
1. The elastic move. Add this quality to your moves and challenge your axis a bit. (Adv.). 25 OF MARCH. 18:30

2. Tiny and rhythmical. Practice useful small patterns that will fit in all those moments when the music asks you to go fast. (Int.). 27 OF MARCH. 12:30

3. Play with improvisation, challenge rules and roles. Create the improvisation “step by step”, including proposals from the follower. (Int.- Adv.). (27 OF MARCH. 14:00)

4. Exploring Pivots & Crosses - Possibilities using the pivot. Micro-pivot, pivot and over pivot. Crosses for both roles. Get to lead and follow them. The mix.

(Int.). 27 OF MARCH. 15:30

La Boca Dance Club

40A, Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
+7 (911) 172-99-44 labocadanceru@yandex.ru

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